Real Looney 'Toons
I'm probably the only eighteen year-old guy who has a presidential address in his iTunes library. Listen and read a bit of John F. Kennedy's speech about peace by clicking here . I love it!!!
In other news, yesterday there was an update on the Muhammad cartoons. I'm betting that nobody knows what that is, so I'll tell you. Last September, a popular newspaper in Denmark published a political cartoon that mocked the Prophet Muhammad in some way, insulting the world of Islam. The Prime Minister of Denmark has tried to clean up the mess, but protesters all over the world have resorted to violence and chaos--including burning down the Danish embassy building in Damascus. On Monday, February 6, some NATO peacekeepers in Afganistan opened gunfire on a mob of protesters storming a U.S. military base, where three or four demonstrators were killed.
At first, I didn't understand what the big deal was. Looking at the cartoon, it doesn't seem like much to stir so much violence. Then again, the cartoon is hard to find, and in good resolution. While reading a description of the cartoon, my paradigm changed; apparently, one thing is that the Prophet's turban is a bomb in one panel, and another thing is that Muslims are forbidden to draw the Prophet for fear of committing adultry.
The Danish Prime Minister called the protests "a growing global crisis", and said, "It now is something else than the drawings in [our newspaper]. Now it has become an international political matter."
In other news, yesterday there was an update on the Muhammad cartoons. I'm betting that nobody knows what that is, so I'll tell you. Last September, a popular newspaper in Denmark published a political cartoon that mocked the Prophet Muhammad in some way, insulting the world of Islam. The Prime Minister of Denmark has tried to clean up the mess, but protesters all over the world have resorted to violence and chaos--including burning down the Danish embassy building in Damascus. On Monday, February 6, some NATO peacekeepers in Afganistan opened gunfire on a mob of protesters storming a U.S. military base, where three or four demonstrators were killed.
At first, I didn't understand what the big deal was. Looking at the cartoon, it doesn't seem like much to stir so much violence. Then again, the cartoon is hard to find, and in good resolution. While reading a description of the cartoon, my paradigm changed; apparently, one thing is that the Prophet's turban is a bomb in one panel, and another thing is that Muslims are forbidden to draw the Prophet for fear of committing adultry.
The Danish Prime Minister called the protests "a growing global crisis", and said, "It now is something else than the drawings in [our newspaper]. Now it has become an international political matter."
At 8:15 PM,
miss terri said…
huh. that is odd. then again, i can understand why the got angry. religion is not to be made fun of. it was a low blow. studip artist
At 11:42 AM,
Lindsey said…
Adultry, eh? Idolatry, Marcus. Idolatry.
At 3:06 PM,
Noah said…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I was just about to leave a comment saying, "My dear Marcus, I do believe Idolatry is spelled 'I-D-O-L-A-T-R-Y,' rather than 'A-D-U-L-T-R-Y.' " However, I then saw Amaya's comment and it made me even more proud of her. Good job Amaya, you rock.
At 8:39 PM,
Miru said…
I thought that was crazy too... wow, all for one drawing that a man did.. i wonder if he had any idea that it would cause such an outrage...
lol, i was confused about the adultry too....
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